Ronayi Onen was given the “Feqî Huseyn
Sağnıç Language Award” which is given annually by the Kurdish Institute of
Istanbul. A number of people including Feqî Huseyn Sağnıç’s family members,
students and teachers of the Kurdish Institute of Istanbul have attended the
ceremony. The co-chairman of the Kurdish Institute of Istanbul, Sami Tan, who
gave the opening speech, stated that Kurdish has survived thanks to great
sacrifices and the institute was founded on the basis of all these sacrifices.
Tan, who reminded the participants of Feqî
Huseyn Sağnıç’s works on Kurdish told that Apê Feqî stood out against the
government forces when they attempted to put the Kurdish Insitute’s signboard
down. It was not only him who stood out against this, Apê Musa has also
struggled a lot, and that’s why we owe the opportunities and achievements we
have now to them. Tan, who promised that they would do their best in order to
merit these struggles, emphasized that teachers of Kurdish have a considerable
responsibility in this regard.
Struggle for Kurdish goes on
Adil Zozani, BDP parliamentarian in
Colemêrg, made his speech after Tan. Zozani said “Nobody was able to utter the
word “Kurdish” when the Institute was founded 22 years ago. Thanks to all the
efforts made and people who died during this struggle, we can talk not only
about Kurdish language but also freedom of Kurds and legal status for
Kurdistan.” Zozani emphasized that Kurds struggle for all the oppressed nations
living in this area to be able to speak their languages freely. He also added
that they will continue to struggle until Kurdish is spoken at all institutions
and used as the medium of instruction in all four parts of Kurdistan.
Sağnıç’s son
conveyed his thanks
The ceremony continued with the
presentation of a slideshow on Feqî Huseyn Sağnıç’s life. After that, Mülazım
Özcan, who received the award two years before, made a speech and read his poem
written on the importance of Kurdish language. Ferhat Sağnıç, Feqî Huseyn
Sağnıç’s son, thanked those who organized the ceremony. When all the speeches
ended, Kurdish teacher Ronayi Önen was given the award. She said that she
received that award in the name of all oppressed women. The ceremony ended by
awarding certificates to 25 teachers of Kurdish who had successfully graduated
from the Institute.
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